Aidan Flynn

Chief Executive, Freight Transport Association Ireland

Aidan Flynn is the Chief Executive for the Freight Transport Association Ireland. He has worked with FTA Ireland since the formative years of the Association in Ireland in 2011.
Aidan is Chair of the Logistics Associate Apprenticeship consortium and the Transport Operations and Commercial Driving Apprenticeship consortium and is passionate about delivering solutions for Skills Shortage in the Freight Distribution and Logistics Sector. Developing and promoting commercial fleet operational compliance standards for the industry is integral to work Aidan does with FTA Ireland. As head of a trade association for the freight distribution, logistics and passenger transport sector Aidan is passionate about representing members interests in a structured and collaborative manner that delivers for members and contributes to improved safety and working environments for all in the logistics sector. Aidan established the FTA Ireland Alternative Fuels Working Group in 2017 to expand upon the objectives of the association to support our members through expert advice and guidance. Aidan contributes to the collaborative approach to improving safety and standards for the freight distribution and logistics sector in Ireland.