Michael Cusack

Field Services Manager, Inland Fisheries Ireland (IFI)

Michael Cusack is the Field Services Manager at Inland Fisheries Ireland (IFI). He leads support services in the areas of vehicle and vessel fleet management, health & safety management and insurance risk management. Michael has 18 years’ experience at IFI with past experience in the local authority sector and semiconductor industry.

Michael is tasked with delivering IFI’s transition to Electric Vehicles to help halve the organisation’s greenhouse gasses by 2030 and reaching net zero by 2050. A fleet of over 200 vehicles which includes cars, vans, SUVs, 4×4’s and special types. At present, IFI utilises four different EV models with plans to greatly expand this under the transition strategy.

Michael uses telematics data analysis to help determine the suitability of vehicles for transition along with factors such as operational needs and vehicle function. Fleet safety is also viewed as paramount and IFI are Van Safe Accredited by the FTAI.

Michael is particularly interested in innovative development of internal EV charging infrastructure solutions which are key to the success of EV fleet expansion.

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