2.00 – 3.15


Thematic roundtables are interactive discussions in small groups. Moderated by seasoned industry experts and practitioners, they will address a compelling technology trend, issue, demonstration or an inspiring customer case. This is your chance to join insightful discussions to share experiences and get new and actionable ideas from peers and experts. 

Roundtable 1

Managing Cyber Risk in the Dark – An Idiot’s Guide!

You cannot manage cyber risk unless you measure it. Learn from the mistakes of others and focus on what is important to the business i.e. “Meaningful Metrics”. Establish a cross functional collaborative approach and baseline that is contextual to your organisation. Stop “knee jerk” reactive investment into the latest tech and become proactive and strategic. Armed with “real numbers” get “buy in” from the business and manage by leveraging Cyber KPI’s and Cyber KRI’s to manage your cyber risk framework.

Paul C Dwyer

Paul C Dwyer

Chief Executive Officer, Cyber Risk International

Roundtable 2

Executing an integrated cyber approach

How to harness the power of information networks to enhance business operations, increase mission performance and improve customer support without compromising security or privacy.

Michael McNamara

Michael McNamara

Senior Manager, Security and Compliance, BT Ireland

Roundtable 3

Investing in your cyber security workforce

Harnessing emotional and behavioural intelligence to achieve innovation in your team through inclusion and diversity 

Jenni  Parry

Jenni Parry

Associate Director of Cyber Risk at Aon

Roundtable 4

The joys of hiring and retaining staff in cyber security

SACA’s State of cybersecurity 2022, found that 63% of respondents have unfilled cybersecurity positions, up 8% from 2021 & 60% of survey respondents also reported difficulty in retaining qualified cyber security professionals, a 7% increase on 202. The roundtable will discuss hiring and retaining the best talent in a demanding market

  • Hiring in a demanding market
  • Engaging the passive market
  • Missing talent pools
  • Do you have the right tool kit
  • Are you preparing for your new hires’ future
  • How to engage your talent
Gavin Fox

Gavin Fox

Director, Martinsen Mayer



Jess Kelly

Jess Kelly

Technology Correspondent, Newstalk
